UPDATE 2 – Assailant in London terror attack identified


By Ahmet Gurhan Kartal

LONDON (AA) – Police have identified the assailant in Wednesday’s deadly terrorist attack in London.

The attacker, who was shot dead by police after stabbing a policeman to death, is Khalid Masood, 52, and born in Kent, southeast England.

In a previous statement to parliament, Prime Minister Theresa May said the attacker was a U.K. national who was known to the intelligence services after being previously investigated over links to terrorism.

In addition, May said, eight people were arrested in raids across the U.K. Thursday following the attack.

The arrests were made in London, Birmingham, and other locations, Metropolitan Police Acting Deputy Commissioner Mark Rowley said.

“Yesterday an act of terrorism tried to silence our democracy but today we meet as normal,” May told lawmakers.

May added, “This was an attack on free people everywhere and on behalf of the British people I would like to thank our friends and allies around the world who have made it clear that they stand with us.”

Meanwhile, terrorist organization Daesh has claimed responsibility for the deadly attack, calling the attacker one of their “soldiers”.

Daesh has previously claimed responsibility for several terrorist attacks in Turkey.

Queen Elizabeth also released a statement on the attack.

“My thoughts, prayers and deepest sympathies are with all those who have been affected by yesterday’s awful violence,” she said.

Wednesday afternoon’s attack outside the parliament building in Westminster, central London, saw the attacker drive into pedestrians on Westminster Bridge, killing at least two people and injuring dozens before stabbing a police officer — identified as Police Constable Keith Palmer, 48 — to death.

The assailant was shot dead by police.

Some of the other victims were announced as Aysha Frade, a Spanish teacher whose father was a Turkish Cypriot, and Kurt W. Cochran, a U.S. tourist.

On Thursday, police revised the death toll down from five to four, including the attacker.

It was reported that 29 people hurt in the attack are still being treated in hospital. Seven are in a critical condition.

– French students

May said three French nationals, two Romanians, four South Koreans, two Greeks as well as a national from each of Germany, Poland, China, Ireland, Italy, and the U.S. were wounded in the attack.

She added that the threat level remained “severe” — indicating an attack is highly likely. However, it would not be raised as there was no intelligence that another attack was imminent.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault was present in parliament on Thursday and visited three French school pupils injured on the bridge.

“When we heard the news of the London attack we immediately felt a shock, especially as young French students were involved,” Ayrault, who stopped in London as he returned from the U.S., said.

Speaking Wednesday night following an emergency security meeting, May slammed the “sick and depraved” act.

Mayor of London Sadiq Khan said a vigil would be held in nearby Trafalgar Square on Thursday evening.

Meanwhile, in a letter of condolences sent to May shortly after the attack, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said, “Turkey deeply feels and shares the United Kingdom’s sorrow.

“Turkey always stands in solidarity with the friendly and allied United Kingdom in the fight against terrorism, one of the greatest threats to international peace and security.”

Westminster Bridge was reopened to traffic Thursday afternoon.