UN: World leaders commit to health for all

By Beyza Binnur Donmez

ANKARA (AA) – World leaders adopted a high-level UN declaration on universal health coverage Monday during a meeting ahead of the General Debate at the world body In New York.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said it as an "important landmark" on the "journey to health for all."

Nations commit to advance full coverage for citizens in four major areas around primary care as part of a vision for universal health coverage by 2030.

"Universal health coverage is a political choice: today world leaders have signaled their readiness to make that choice. I congratulate them," said World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

In adopting the declaration, member states have committed to investing in policies which would prevent financial hardship from out-of-pocket health care payments. It also aims to implement high-impact health interventions to combat diseases and protect women’s and children’s health.

Countries will report on their progress to the UN General Assembly in 2023.

The declaration came a day after WHO and partners flagged the need to double health coverage by 2030, or leave up to 5 billion people unable to access health care.

The WHO will also announce a Global Action Plan for health Tuesday.