Turkish president votes in Anadolu Agency photo award

By Enes Kaplan

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey’s president participated in Anadolu Agency’s Photo of the Year contest in the capital Ankara on Monday, voting for his choices in the categories of news, life, and sports.

In the news category, Recep Tayyip Erdogan voted for Muhammed Said's photo "The target of attacks in Syria are children."

In the life category, the president voted for Hasan Namli’s "Serenity plateau."

And in the sports category, Erdogan voted for Mustafa Yalcin’s "Turkish players' military salute."

Anadolu Agency, Turkey’s premier news outlet, held its first Photo of the Year contest in 2012. This year, 50 images were selected from more than 750,000 photos from various parts of the world, including Syria, Palestine, Russia, Germany, and Spain.

The images were put to a vote in the news category with 17 entries, life with 19 entries, and sports with 14 entries.

Last year, nearly a quarter of a million people took part in the voting.

This year's voting will continue through Dec. 31 at Anadolu Agency's website (aa.com.tr).

*Writing By Fahri Aksut