Turkish military destroys explosives in Syria's Afrin

By Ali Kemal Akan

ANKARA (AA) – Turkish military on Saturday destroyed eight improvised explosive devices of the YPG/PKK terrorist group during security sweeps in Syria's Afrin region.

According to the Turkish General Staff, the explosives were found in Jinderes district’s Arab Ushagi town and were later destroyed.

Turkey launched Operation Olive Branch on Jan. 20 to clear terrorist groups from Afrin in northwestern Syria amid growing threats from the region.

On March 18, Turkish-backed troops liberated the town of Afrin, which had been a major hideout for the PYD/PKK since 2012.

On Saturday, in a statement the Turkish General Staff said that Afrin has been taken under “complete” control and efforts are in progress to help civilians return home in a secure way.

The operation is being carried out under the framework of Turkey's rights based on international law, UN Security Council resolutions, its self-defense rights under the UN charter, and respect for Syria's territorial integrity, according to the Turkish military.

The military also said only terror targets are being destroyed and “utmost care ” is being taken to not harm civilians.