Turkey supports Venezuelan president after drone attack

By Fatih Hafiz Mehmet

ANKARA (AA) – Top Turkish officials on Sunday shared messages in support of the Venezuelan president who survived an assassination attempt.

Armed drones targeted Nicolas Maduro during his speech on Saturday in capital Caracas .

Presidential spokesman Ibrahim Kalin said in a tweet: “Stay strong mi amigo (my friend) “. Kalin also shared a photograph of him posing with Maduro.

Presidency Communications Director Fahrettin Altun tweeted: “We condemn the assassination attempt against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro. Turkey stands with the people of Venezuela and their democratically elected leader. ”

The Foreign Ministry also issued a written statement “strongly ” condemning the “heinous attack “.

It is “the greatest consolation ” that Maduro and his relatives survived the incident unharmed and Turkey wishes speedy recovery to the seven soldiers reportedly wounded in the explosions, the statement said.

“In this difficult time, Turkey stands with the brotherly and friendly Venezuelan people and President Maduro, his family and all government officials, ” it stressed.

The statement said the continuation of stability, prosperity, peace and security in Venezuela is Turkey's greatest wish and it is also important for regional stability and world peace.

“We offer our well wishes to President Maduro, his esteemed family, government members and all Venezuelan people, ” the statement added.

Maduro, in a national address, blamed far-right wing factions for the attack, saying the perpetrators were linked to Colombia and the United States.

Several suspects, who Maduro said were responsible for the attack, were arrested.

Meanwhile, a group calling itself “Soldiers in T-shirts ” claimed responsibility for the attack through social media.