Russian, North Korean leaders to meet on Thursday

By Elena Teslova</p> <p>MOSCOW (AA) – Russian President Vladimir Putin will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Thursday, a Kremlin official announced on Tuesday.</p> <p>The first-ever meeting of two leaders will take place in the Russian port city of Vladivostok, Putin's aide Yury Ushakov told reporters in the capital Moscow.</p> <p>&quot;The program of negotiations is typical, it suggests a conversation in a narrow format, and then there will be talks between the delegations,&quot; Ushakov said.</p> <p>&quot;Neither the signing of documents or statements has yet been scheduled. A joint statement has not been worked out or planned yet,&quot; he added.</p> <p>Russian side intends to strengthen the positive trends on the Korean peninsula and will contribute to reaching &quot;serious agreements&quot; on the settlement of the Korean problem, the Kremlin official noted. </p> <p>Kim’s visit to Russia will mark his first foreign trip since a February meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump in Vietnam's capital Hanoi.<br>

On the Hanoi summit, Ushakov said that despite of the lack of “visible ” results, both sides showed willingness and interest in continuing the dialogue.

“We believe that this is very important, and this willingness and interest should continue to be demonstrated, ” he said.