Qatari royal says he is ‘prisoner’ in UAE

By Ahmed al-Masri

DOHA, Qatar (AA) – A member of Qatar's ruling family said he had been detained against his will in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), in a video widely circulated on social media on Sunday.

Abdullah bin Ali Al-Thani said in the video: “I am currently in Abu Dhabi. I was a guest of Sheikh Mohammed. I am no longer a guest; I am a prisoner. ”

Although he did not name Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi Mohammed bin Zayed, several media outlets, including the Doha-based Al Jazeera, reported he was referring to him when he said Sheikh Mohammed.

He said if anything happened to him, “Sheikh Mohammed ” should be held responsible.

“They told me not to leave. I am afraid that anything could happen to me, and the people of Qatar would be blamed. So I just wanted to inform you that if anything happens to me, the people of Qatar are innocent, ” he said.

The exact date of the video could not be determined.

The Qatari royal rose to prominence after he reportedly appeared on several Saudi and UAE television shows expressing support for a blockade on Qatar imposed by four Gulf countries, according to Al Jazeera.

Last June, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Bahrain abruptly cut diplomatic and commercial ties with Qatar, accusing it of supporting terrorist groups in the region.

Qatar, for its part, has denied the accusations, describing the attempts to isolate it as a breach of international law.