Palestinian martyred by Israeli forces in West Bank

By Qais Abu Samra

JENIN, Palestine (AA) – A Palestinian youth was martyred on Thursday in clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank city of Jenin.

A medical source in Jenin's Khalil Suleiman hospital told Anadolu Agency that the young man arrived at the hospital with bullet wounds and could not be saved.

Clashes erupted in the city after Israeli forces demolished the home of a Palestinian detainee Ahmed al-Qumbu for the second time in 2018.

The Israeli forces used live and rubber bullets to disperse the youths.

Local sources said that the martyr is Yazan Munther Abu Tabikh, 19, a student at the Military Independence College in the West Bank city of Jericho.

Palestinian groups have called for a strike Thursday to mourn the killing.

*Bassel Ibrahim contributed to this report from Ankara