Palestinian factions call for elections next year

By Viola Fahmi

CAIRO (AA) – Representatives of 12 Palestinian factions late Wednesday called for holding Palestinian presidential and legislative polls before the end of 2018.

The Egyptian capital has hosted a meeting over the past two days attended by representatives of several Palestinian factions to discuss the current Palestinian political situation and promote national unity.

According to a joint statement issued by the 12 factions after the meeting, which wrapped up late Wednesday, Palestinian presidential and legislative polls — along with elections for seats on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO)’s National Council — should be held by the end of next year.

In the statement, the factions — which include Hamas and Fatah — demanded that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas set a date for elections following consultations with all Palestinian political forces.

At the Cairo meeting, factions agreed on the need to “accelerate the development of the PLO to allow the Palestinian unity government to exercise its authorities in the Gaza Strip and resume the work of the Freedoms’ Committee, which was set up in May of 2011 in the West Bank and Gaza Strip”.

They also called on Palestinian parliamentary blocs “to reactivate the Legislative Council [the Palestinian parliament] so it might resume its activities”.

The factions also said that meetings with the Egyptian leadership would resume next February with a view to following up on issues that have already been agreed to.

They also stressed the need to “overcome any impediments to the Palestinian unity government’s ability to carry out its responsibilities in the Gaza Strip”.

Representatives of 12 major Palestinian factions went to Egypt this week from the Gaza Strip to attend the Egypt-sponsored talks.

Last month, Hamas and Fatah — Palestine’s two leading political movements — signed a landmark reconciliation agreement in Cairo aimed at ending a decade of rift.

As part of the deal, the factions agreed to meet in Cairo on Nov. 21 for talks aimed at resolving their outstanding differences.