Over 100 fully vaccinated contract COVID in US state

By Ovunc Kutlu

ANKARA (AA) – A total of 102 people who have been fully vaccinated for the coronavirus have contracted the disease in the US state of Washington, according to officials on Wednesday.

Officials reported 102 infections since Feb. 1 from among the 1.2 million who have been fully vaccinated for the virus in the northwestern state.

Individuals have died in two cases, according to the Washington State Department of Health, which is investigating those older than 80 years old suffering from health issues.

"Finding evidence of vaccine breakthrough cases reminds us that, even if you have been vaccinated, you still need to wear a mask, practice socially distancing, and wash your hands to prevent spreading COVID-19 to others who have not been vaccinated," said Washington State Secretary of Health Dr. Umair Shah.

While the US has seen more than 551,000 coronavirus-related deaths, the number of cases is almost 30.4 million, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Out of 189 million distributed doses of coronavirus vaccines in the US, 147 million have been administered as of early Tuesday, but fewer than 54 million people, or 16.1% of the population, have received two doses, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.