Muslim Council of Sri Lanka condemns deadly bombings

By Sibel Morrow</p> <p>ANKARA (AA) – The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka on Sunday strongly condemned the multiple bomb attacks in Sri Lanka that killed a total of 207 and wounded over 400 people.</p> <p>&quot;The Muslim Council of Sri Lanka (MCSL) condemns the attacks on the places of worship of our Christian brothers and sisters on their holy day of Easter, as well as on the hotels in Colombo,&quot; the group said in a statement.</p> <p>It described the attackers as &quot;the extremist and violent elements who wish to create divides between religious and ethnic groups to realize their agenda”.</p> <p>The attack was deliberate and aimed to create panic and disrupt civil life, the statement added.</p> <p>Recalling that the fundamental teachings of all faiths are &quot;peace and justice&quot;, the Muslim Council of Sri Lanka called for a comprehensive inquiry and for bringing the perpetrators to justice.</p> <p>The group called on the Muslim community to provide any assistance for the affected people and expressed condolences to the families of the victims.</p> <p>Earlier, eight bomb explosions targeting churches and hotels in and just outside the Sri Lankan capital Colombo killed at least 207 people and injured 450 others.</p> <p>No group has yet claimed responsibility for the attacks.