Macedonian PM: No alternative other than EU membership

By Askin Kiyagan </p> <p>VIENNA (AA) – Macedonian prime minister on Wednesday said his country did not have any alternative other than full membership of the European Union. </p> <p>In a joint press meeting with Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz, Zoran Zaev said that the name issue between his country and Greece has been settled. </p> <p>In June, the Macedonian and Greek governments signed the Prespa Agreement, which required Macedonia to change its name and Greece to drop its objection to Macedonia joining NATO and becoming a member of the European Union (EU).</p> <p>The historic agreement, which ended a 28-year dispute over Macedonia’s name, is “an important chance” for the future of the Balkan country, Zaev said.</p> <p>On Friday, Greece’s parliament ratified the deal, paving the way for the Balkan country to join NATO and the EU.</p> <p>Under the deal, Macedonia will be renamed “the Republic of North Macedonia” and Greece will drop its objections to the country joining NATO and becoming a member of the European Union.</p> <p>The name issue had kept Macedonia from joining the EU and NATO since its independence in 1991.</p> <p>On Jan. 11, Macedonia’s parliament had approved a constitutional amendment to change the country's name.