Jon Kyl to succeed John McCain in US senate seat

By Umar Farooq

WASHINGTON (AA) – Arizona Governor Doug Ducey named former U.S. Senator Jon Kyl as successor of John McCain on Tuesday.

Ducey announced the decision at a news conference in Pheonix, after notifying prominent political figures of his decision.

“I am deeply grateful to Senator Kyl for agreeing to succeed his friend and colleague of so many years. Every single day that Jon Kyl represents #Arizona in the U.S. Senate is a day our state is well-served. #KylforAZ #KavanaughConfirmation, ” Ducey said on Twitter.

Kyl served as senator alongside McCain for 18 years where he rose to the position of Minority Whip, a prominent position in the chamber before retiring in 2013.

McCain died last month of brain cancer, outliving expectations after receiving a dire prognosis last year. He served six terms as a senator.

His widow Cindy McCain showed her support for Kyl’s appointment.

“Jon Kyl is a dear friend of mine and John’s. It’s a great tribute to John that he is prepared to go back into public service to help the state of Arizona, ” she said in a tweet.

Kyl has recently been involved in guiding Brett Kavanaugh, the Supreme Court nominee, through the Senate confirmation process.

It is unclear as to how long the 76-year-old will plan to serve, however there will be a special election in 2020 to choose the person to fulfill the remainder of McCain's term, which began in 2016.

Kyl is said to have committed to serving only until January, according to multiple reports.