Jailed former Egypt MP’s health deteriorating: Family

<p>ISTANBUL (AA) – The health of Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed al-Beltagy, who was jailed after Egypt’s 2013 military coup, has recently deteriorated, members of his family said Friday.<br>

“For the third year in a row, we have been prohibited from visiting him in Cairo’s Al-Aqrab Prison,” the family said in a statement.

“We recently learned of his deteriorating health condition,” the statement read. “He has suffered a stroke inside prison.”

“We hold the Egyptian regime, the Interior Ministry, the Prison Service and the attorney-general responsible for his safety,” it added.

The family goes on to demand al-Beltagy’s “immediate ” transfer to a hospital for the necessary treatment.

Anadolu Agency was unable to obtain immediate comment from the Egyptian authorities regarding the family’s claims.

The authorities have consistently claimed that prison inmates are treated “in line with the law and the constitution”.

Following Egypt’s 2013 military coup, al-Beltagy — who had earlier served as a member of Egypt’s parliament — was slapped with multiple prison terms.

Egypt has remained beset by turmoil since the military deposed Mohamed Morsi, the country's first freely elected president and a Muslim Brotherhood leader.