Iran’s Rouhani dismisses call for resignation of gov’t

By Ahmet Dursun

TEHRAN (AA) – Iranian president Hassan Rouhani on Wednesday dismissed the calls by demonstrators for resignation of some ministers amid country’s worsening economic situation.

Speaking to a local TV channel, Rouhani ruled out the possibility of his administration’s resignation and said it would fulfill its duties until the end.

On Monday and Tuesday, Merchants in Tehran staged demonstrations to protest worsening economic conditions and rising cost of living.

“If we stay united and be prudent, we will overcome all the problems we have,” Rouhani said.

“We have to show the world that we will fight against difficulties without compromising our freedom and independence,” he added.

Iran continues to face a host of serious economic challenges, including high unemployment and a weakening currency, due to longstanding U.S. sanctions.

Many Iranian traders and importers face difficulties obtaining foreign currency, which they need to pay for imported commodities.