Iran: Tripartite summit ‘crucial’ to solve Syria crisis

By Ahmet Dursun

TEHRAN (AA) – Iran said on Thursday the upcoming trilateral summit in the Iranian capital was an important opportunity for the three regional powers to solve years-long Syria crisis by diplomatic means.

Bahram Qassemi, spokesman of Iran’s Foreign Ministry, said in a statement that Friday’s Tehran Summit — with participation of top leaders of Turkey, Russia, and Iran — is “crucial” to bring a complete political solution to the crisis in Syria.

“The summit is important in terms of continuing interaction between the three countries by moving it to a higher level and in preparing a platform for bilateral and multilateral cooperation in the economic aspect,” Qassemi said.

The spokesman also said that the common goal would bring more cohesion and integration to the three powers against tyrannous sanctions and threats.

Turkey, Russia and Iran are guarantor countries of de-escalation zones in Syria.

The first tripartite summit was held in Russia’s Black Sea resort of Sochi on Nov. 22, 2017 to discuss progress made in the Astana peace talks and changes in de-escalation zones across Syria.

The second trilateral meeting was hosted by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in April in the Turkish capital Ankara.