Heavy snow kills 25 in northern Afghanistan

By Shadi Khan Saif

KABUL, Afghanistan (AA) – Twenty-five people were killed by snowstorms and avalanches in northern Afghanistan on Sunday, just days after more than 100 people died due to heavy snowfall across the country, according to an official.

This time round northern Faryab province bore the brunt of freezing temperatures and heavy snow. Ammanullah Zafar, director for security in the province, told Anadolu Agency the province’s Kohistan district had been worst hit. “We can confirm that 25 people have died in this unprecedented heavy snow,” Zafar said.

He said police along with National Disasters Management Authority teams were trying hard with their limited resources to save the lives of several residents in the area, particularly the stranded passengers on the inter-district highways and the people stuck up in the mountains.

“We have received reports about people missing from Pashtoonkot, Andkhoee, Qurmkul, Balcheragh and Dawlat Abad districts; efforts are underway to locate and rescue people,” he added.

Hundreds of thousands of Afghans, particularly the internally-displaced persons and the recently-repatriated refugees from Pakistan remain vulnerable to the harsh winter in the country that relies heavily on aid.