Harsh winter kills 27 children in Afghanistan in 1 week

By Shadi Khan Saif

KABUL, Afghanistan (AA) – Heavy snow has killed more than 30 people, including at least 27 children across Afghanistan since the last one week, an official told Anadolu Agency on Thursday.

The children died in the mountainous Darzab district in northern Jawzjan province, Rehmatullah Hashar, district chief, told Anadolu Agency.

Hashar said the children died due to heavy snow and closure of roads leading to nearby urban centers where health services could have been provided to them.

Life in the district’s Sar Dara, Qosh Tarblaq and Bibi Maryam villages has come to a standstill, he said. “Situation is terrible here, some 700 displaced families who came here due to fighting in neighboring Faryab and Sar-i-Pul provinces are at serious risk in this harsh winter,” he said.

Earlier this week, the humanitarian community in Afghanistan launched an appeal for $550 million to help needy Afghans.

Meanwhile, a road link between the capital Kabul and nine provinces in the north via the main mountainous pass called Salang Pass was restored after days of closure due to heavy snow.

According to Salang Saferty Authority at least five people had died along this route due to the harsh weather. Three more weather-related casualties were reported from central Ghor province on Thursday, according to local Afghan media outlets.