Erdogan: Turkey should ‘re-discover cultural values’

By Satuk Bugra Kutlugun

ISTANBUL (AA) – Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, on Friday said the country “has taken many important steps” in the cultural field over the last 14 years.

Speaking at the 3rd National Culture Council meeting in Istanbul, Erdogan said the Turkish number of museum-goers in Turkey had risen to 17.3 million from 7.4 million in the last 14 years.

“The number of museums that are directly administered under the Culture and Tourism Ministry has increased to 198 from 93, as well,” he said.

Erdogan also said the average citizen in Turkey spent 13 percent of their salary on cinema and theatre tickets.

“Although these numbers need some work, we have done a lot for the cultural economy in the last 14 years,” he said.

Turkey’s president said the number of private theatres economically supported by the state had increased to 216 from 59 in the same time.

The president said Turkey “should re-discover its own cultural values that are native and national to stand against cultural imperialism and cultural alienation”.