Erdogan, Putin discuss besieged East Ghouta over phone

By Sinan Uslu

ANKARA (AA) – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin spoke over the phone about the ongoing human tragedy in besieged Eastern Ghouta and other latest developments in Syria late Tuesday, according to diplomatic sources.

During the conversation, delivery of humanitarian aid to civilians and ending the disaster in Eastern Ghouta was termed as “essential “.

Additionally, in accordance with the UN Security Council's decision, Turkish, Russian and Iranian joint efforts were termed crucial to fully implement a truce in Eastern Ghouta.

At least 10 civilians have been killed in several attacks by the Syrian regime forces in the country’s besieged Eastern Ghouta, according to the White Helmets civil defense agency late Tuesday.

Ground attacks and airstrikes targeted Eastern Ghouta's Duma and Haresta districts, Sakba, Ayn Terma, Arbin, Hammuriye, Beit Sava, Jisrin, Hizze and Merc regions.

The attacks killed four civilians in Arbin, three in Jisrin, two in Ayn Terma and one in Beit Sava.

Between Feb. 19 and March 5, a total of 824 civilians were killed in ground and aerial attacks on Eastern Ghouta, according to local civil defense sources.

The regime has continued to conduct ground and air attacks in Eastern Ghouta despite separate cease-fire initiatives endorsed by Russia and the UN Security Council.

Home to some 400,000 people, Eastern Ghouta has remained under a crippling siege by the Assad regime for the last five years.

Within the last eight months, regime forces have stepped up their siege, making it nearly impossible for food or medicine to enter the district and leaving thousands of people in need of medical treatment.