EP’s vote to halt accession process ‘worthless': Turkey

By Burcu Calik</p> <p>ANKARA (AA) – The European Parliament's vote to suspend Turkey's EU accession process is &quot;worthless for us&quot;, Turkey's ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party spokesman said on Wednesday.</p> <p>The European Parliament (EP) on Wednesday approved a report recommending the suspension of Turkey's European Union accession process.</p> <p>&quot;This disrespectful decision shows European Parliament's far-right ideological tendency,&quot; Omer Celik wrote on Twitter.</p> <p>Celik said the EP was far away from making supportive decisions to democratic development and accused the EP of looking through &quot;the narrow window of the far-right.&quot;</p> <p>Recalling that the European Parliament failed to show solidarity with Turkey when the Turkish parliament was bombed during the coup attempt in July 15, 2016, Celik said the EP president visited Turkey months after the defeated coup.</p> <p>&quot;However, they see no harm in working with coup leaders. Everybody knows the racist [tendency] of the Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighborhood Policy and that the rapporteur who prepared this report is close to terror supporters more than the democracy,&quot; Celik said.