Death toll rises to 6,750 in Brazil from COVID-19

By Muhammed Emin Canik

BUENOS AIRES (AA) – The death toll in Brazil from the novel coronavirus climbed 421 to 6,750, health officials there said Saturday.

With 4,970 cases in the past 24 hours, Brazil now reports at least 96,559 confirmed cases.

A state of emergency was declared March 18 in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo states, where the outbreak is most visible.

COVID-19 cases have been reported in 187 countries and regions since it emerged in Wuhan, China last December, with the US and Europe the hardest-hit areas.

More than 3.4 million cases have been reported worldwide, with the death toll exceeding 243,300 and more than 1 million recoveries, according to data compiled by the US-based Johns Hopkins University.

* Writing by Erdogan Cagatay Zontur