Daesh shells Turkmen village with chemical weapons

By Ali Makram

BAGHDAD (AA) – The terrorist Daesh group has attacked a Turkmen village in northern Iraq with chemical weapons, sources in a pro-government militia said.

“Daesh militants have shelled the Bashir village with chemicals,” Yalmiz Shehab, a commander of the Shia Hashd al-Shaabi militia, told Anadolu Agency on Tuesday.

According to Shehab, eight people were injured in the attack, including one seriously.

The Kurdish peshmerga forces and Hashd al-Shaabi militiamen had recaptured the village from Daesh last week.

Shehab said the village has been cleared from all Daesh terrorists.

The village, which has a Turkmen majority, was captured by Daesh in 2014. Most of its residents fled the village and took refuge in Kirkuk, only 25 kilometers away.

In March, Daesh terrorists had gassed the northern city of Tuz Khormato, killing three Turkmens and injuring hundreds.