Coronavirus cases in Israel climb to 250

By Mustafa Deveci

JERUSALEM (AA) – The total number of coronavirus cases in Israel climbed to 250, as 48 fresh cases were reported on Monday, the Health Ministry said.

A total of four people have been discharged from hospitals after recovering from the virus, while five others are in critical condition, according to a statement by the ministry.

There are 19 health workers and five soldiers among those infected with the coronavirus, officially known as COVID-19.

Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netenyahu has tested negative for the coronavirus after he and his immediate circle underwent tests for the virus on Sunday.

An Israeli court on Sunday also postponed the trial of Netanyahu on corruption charges until May 24 amid fears of the coronavirus.

Netanyahu's trial was set to begin on March 17.

The move came one day after Justice Minister Amir Ohana declared a state of emergency in courts due to the outbreak in the country.

Israel decided Saturday to halt almost all commercial activity due to the virus outbreak.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced the new measures to combat COVID-19 at a news conference.

He said the government decided to close cafes, restaurants, hotels, shopping malls and entertainment venues.

Supermarkets, pharmacies, banks and gas stations would remain open and public transportation system will continue as usual.

On Wednesday, the Health Ministry banned events of more than 100 people, according to guidelines on its website.

On Tuesday, Israel announced the closure of the Allenby crossing, or King Hussein Bridge. The bridge links the occupied West Bank and Jordan.

A day earlier, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced a mandatory quarantine period of 14 days for people coming to Israel.

The novel coronavirus which causes the disease known as COVID-19 emerged in Wuhan, China last December, and has spread to at least 146 countries and territories.

The global death toll now numbers around 6,500, with more than 164,000 confirmed cases, according to the World Health Organization which declared the outbreak a pandemic.