China repatriates 634 fugitives this year

By Mahmut Atanur

BEIJING (AA) – China has repatriated 634 fugitives this year as part of an operation seeking the extradition of fugitives accused of economic crimes and corruption.

State news agency Xinhua reported Tuesday that among those currently in the custody of Chinese police are 50 accused of duty-related crimes and 31 implicated in smuggling activities.

The Ministry of Public Security said that of the 634, 16 were listed in an Interpol red notice.

Under its annual Operation Fox Hunt, China has sought the extradition of corrupt officials who fled overseas and funneled millions of dollars in illicit funds out of the country.

In 2015, China’s Interpol bureau released the names of 100 nationals wanted worldwide under the government’s international Sky Net campaign.

Ministry of Public Security data shows that a record number of 857 fugitives were seized from 66 countries and regions last year by Chinese police.

China’s top anti-graft body, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, revealed in July that 381 fugitives from more than 40 countries and regions had been repatriated in the first half of this year, with 1.24 billion yuan ($186 million) in assets recovered.

It said that 33 fugitives included in the Interpol list had been returned to the country.