
ANKARA (AA) – Here are the main topics Anadolu Agency's English Desk plans to cover on Thursday, June 3, 2021 (coverage may change depending on developing/breaking stories)


ANKARA – President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to receive Tahir Budaqov, deputy chairman of New Azerbaijan Party, accompanying delegation. Erdogan also due to chair his Justice and Development (AK) Party’s Central Decision and Executive Board meeting.

HATAY – US Ambassador to UN Linda Thomas Greenfield to hold talks as part of her visit to Turkey.

ANKARA – Following gradual normalization process with declining COVID-19 cases in Turkey, as well as pandemic situation worldwide.


ISLAMABAD – 4th trilateral Foreign Ministers Meeting between China, Pakistan and Afghanistan to be held in Beijing.


JERUSALEM – Following aftermath of cease-fire agreement between Israel, Hamas.


ANKARA – Turkish statistical Institute to reveal inflation rate for May.

ANKARA – Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency to announce banking sector statistics for April.

ANKARA – FAO to announce global food prices for May.

ANKARA – Turkish Trade Minister Mehmet Mus to visit Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus in order to develop economic and commercial cooperation between two countries.


China woos Nepal with vaccine diplomacy

By Deepak Adhikari

KATHMANDU (AA) – As Nepal scrambles for COVID-19 vaccines amid the mounting death toll from coronavirus, China has stepped in to help with its jabs even as its regional rival grapples with its own crisis.


Fishing issues threaten Kenya’s Lake Naivasha

By Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) – Kenya’s Lake Naivasha, part of the Great Rift Valley, is a United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site.


Senegalese artist transforms old bikes into sculptures

By Aurore Bonny

LOME, Togo (AA) – Meissa Fall is a passionate bike repairer who gives a new life to used bicycles by transforming them into art works.


South Sudanese families await return of children abducted by rival armies

By Benjamin Takpiny

JUBA, South Sudan (AA) – As the world marks the International Day of Innocent Victims of Conflict on Friday, several South Sudanese families recall their missing family members and children who were abducted and drafted into rival armies.


Arabs recall Pakistani pilots’ gallantry in 1967 war

By Aamir Latif

KARACHI, Pakistan (AA) – The 1967 Arab-Israel war to all appearances tilted the geopolitical environment of the Middle East in favor of Tel Aviv, following a humiliating defeat of a three-state Arab alliance.


Iran candidates woo wear voters with attractive manifestos

By Syed Zafar Mehdi

TEHRAN, Iran (AA) – Campaigning for the June 18 presidential election in Iran is in full swing, with candidates using state media and social media platforms to woo voters, amidst stringent pandemic curbs on gatherings.


Bicycle is a tool to feel world

By Seda Sevencan

ISTANBUL (AA) – Imagine a mom, dad, and son head out on an adventure on their bikes across the globe! That’s the Sarihan family, and they have been pedaling in different parts of the world since 2005.


EuroLeague winning coach, daughters critical of Germany over visa row

By Emre Dogan and Emre Asikci

ISTANBUL (AA) – The daughters of Ergin Ataman, the head coach of Turkish Airlines EuroLeague champions Anadolu Efes, regret that they could not accompany their father during his top career moments because of Germany's visa policies against Turkey.