New family joins anti-PKK sit-in protest in SE Turkey

By Osman Bilgin

DIYARBAKIR (AA) – As dozens of families continue their sit-in protest in southeastern Diyarbakir province of Turkey, new families continue to join their cause in an effort to bring back children abducted by the PKK terror group.

The protest began on Sept. 3, 2019 in Diyarbakir, when three mothers said their children had been forcibly recruited by YPG/PKK terrorists.

The sit-in outside the office of the Peoples' Democratic Party (HDP) — which the government accuses of having links to the terrorist YPG/PKK — has been growing every day.

Baci Goze became the latest mother to join the protest, and her daughter Yasemin was abducted in 2015 at the age of 16.

"I want my child back from the HDP, return my child for God's sake … I miss you so much," said the weeping mother.

Goze also said she was determined to continue her protest until her daughter was brought back, adding she had not heard of Yasemin since her abduction.

In its more than 30-year terror campaign against Turkey, the PKK — listed as a terrorist organization by Turkey, the US, and EU — has been responsible for the deaths of 40,000 people, including women, children, and infants. The YPG is the PKK’s Syrian offshoot.

* Writing by Ali Murat Alhas in Ankara