Turkey aids needy families in Sierra Leone

By Gokhan Varan

ANKARA (AA) – Turkey’s state-run aid agency announced Monday that it provided food supplies for 1,000 low-income families within the context of “Project Food Basket” run by Sierra Leone’s first lady Fatima Maada Bio.

In a statement, the Turkish Cooperation and Coordination Agency (TIKA) said the aid, which included 25 tons of rice, 25 tons of sugar, 5 tons of cooking oil, 2.5 tons of infant formula and 25 tons of salt, was delivered by Turkey’s Ambassador to Sierra Leone Deha Erpek in a ceremony held in the first lady’s office.

Delivering a speech at the ceremony, Bio expressed her gratitude to Turkey for swiftly responding to their call for contributions.

“These food supplies will be distributed to needy families across the county,” she said.

Referring to the cordial relations between the two countries, Erpek said “Turkey will continue to do its best to support Sierra Leone in dire times.”

*Written by Ahmet Gencturk from Ankara