UPDATE – Latest virus situation in Eurasian countries


By Anadolu Agency Staff

ANKARA (AA) – Health authorities in the Eurasian countries on Monday reported new infections and fatalities related to the novel coronavirus.

– Ukraine

The death toll in Ukraine reached 4,430 with 33 more fatalities reported over the past 24 hours, Health Minister Maksym Stepanov said.

Confirming another 3,774 cases that brought the total to 230,236, the minister added that 101,252 have recovered from the virus so far.

Quarantine in Ukraine has been extended until Nov. 1, with the practice of dividing the regions into green, yellow, orange and red zones continuing.

– Georgia

The case count in Georgia grew to 8,737 with 578 new cases over the past 24 hours, the Prime Ministry said in a statement.

The death toll reached 52 with two more fatalities.

A total of 4,619 patients have beaten the virus with 375 new recoveries in the country, while 5,392 people are still under quarantine.

– Uzbekistan

With 247 new infections, Uzbekistan's case tally rose to 58,859.

Three more fatalities raised the death toll to 480, while recoveries increased to 55,318, according to the Health Ministry.

It also said 94% of the patients who contracted the virus have recovered.

The treatment of 3,058 patients continues in hospitals.

– Kazakhstan

In Kazakhstan, 59 new infections raised the overall count to 108,236, according to the Health Ministry.

Recoveries increased by 72 to reach 103,277, while three fatalities pushed the death toll to 1,746, it said.

The treatment of 3,213 coronavirus patients, including 73 children, continues in the country.

The number of pneumonia cases with symptoms of COVID-19 but testing negative for the virus increased by 37 to 33,608 in the country.

Kazakhstan decided to open theaters with 50% occupancy rate in Almaty, one of the metropolitan cities, as of Oct. 6.

– Belarus

According to the Health Ministry of Belarus, COVID-19 cases rose to 80,696 with 401 new additions in the past 24 hours whereas the death toll reached 862 as five more people died of the disease.

Tally of recoveries topped 75,300 as 64 people were discharged from hospitals, while a total of 4,531 patients are still undergoing treatment.

– Moldova

Moldova reported 322 new coronavirus cases and nine deaths, bringing the tally to 56,901 and 1,375, respectively.

The number of recoveries stands at 41,467 with the recovery of 512 more people whereas more than 14,000 people are receiving medical treatment to beat the virus.

– Global numbers

Across the world, COVID-19 has claimed more than 1.03 million lives in 188 countries and regions since last December.

The US, India, and Brazil are currently the worst-hit countries.

Over 35.25 million cases have been reported worldwide, with recoveries surpassing 24.54 million, according to figures compiled by the US-based Johns Hopkins University.