Mexican president defends brother hit by video scandal

By Laura Gamba

BOGOTA, Colombia (AA) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Friday said footage showing a man who is now a high-ranking official in the government passing a bundle of cash to the president’s brother, Pio Lopez Obrador, in 2015 was not corruption. According to Obrador, it was “a contribution” by supporters to pay for things like gasoline.

"They are contributions to strengthen the movement at a time when people were supporting," he said from Aguascalientes in his daily press briefing.

The president said that journalist Loret de Mola, who published the videos on Thursday on his news website Latinus, should file a complaint before the prosecutor’s office “so the corresponding investigation can be initiated."

News comes when Mexico is convulsed by a corruption trial of Emilio Lozoya, a former head of state-run oil company who has said tens of millions in bribes were handed around during the administrations of previous Mexican presidents.
Lozoya’s testimony was leaked this week, and López Obrador said he wants the public to see the details of the alleged corruption that has now implicated at least three former presidents, who have issued denials.
The president pointed to the Lozoya case as the cause of the dissemination of his brother Pío's video.
“The aim [of this video] is to damage the image of the government but they will not achieve it.”
Pio has not yet spoken publicly about the videos.