Daesh/ISIS terror attack kills 2 officers in.Iraq

By Ali Jawad

BAGHDAD (AA) – At least two senior Iraqi officers were killed in a terror attack by the Daesh/ISIS terror group in western Iraq, according to security officials late Tuesday.

Brig. Gen. Ahmed al-Lami, the commander of the Army's 29th Brigade, and a lieutenant were killed in the attack organized in the Anbar province, the media office of the Iraqi Joint Operations Command of the Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Two other soldiers were injured in the attack.

In late 2017, officials in Baghdad declared the military presence of Daesh/ISIS in Iraq had been all but destroyed.

But the terrorists still have a presence in the rural areas of Anbar, Diyala, Kirkuk, Saladin and Mosul.

The army continues to carry out frequent operations against the group in parts of the country.

* Writing by Jeyhun Aliyev from Ankara