Dozens injured in clash during protests in Lebanon

By Mahmut Geldi

BEIRUT (AA) – Tens of people have been injured in a four-hour clash between protesters and security forces in the Lebanese capital Beirut.

Thousands of demonstrators late Sunday gathered at the Martyrs' Square to protest the consultation expected to be held in the parliament on Monday to nominate new prime minister.

The tension accelerated after protesters tried to march to the parliament, but security forces used tear gas to block demonstrators trying to cross barriers at the Martyrs' Square.

Protesters pelted police with stones as clashes continued until late and dozens were injured on both sides.

The Lebanon Civil Defense Units said more than 72 protesters were treated and 20 sent to hospitals.

Security forces have taken measures since anti-government protests began on Oct. 17.

Lebanon has been rocked by mass protests in recent months against plans for tax rises, which quickly turned into wider grievances.

The unrest forced Prime Minister Saad Hariri to resign Oct. 29, with no progress on reaching a deal on a new government.

* Writing by Burak Bir