Syrian orphans helped by Turkish aid group

ANKARA – A Turkish aid group has distributed food aid to over 7,000 families lacking one or both parents in northern Syria.

The Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation (IHH) delivered the aid to 7,154 orphan families taking shelter in Jarablus, Al-Bab, and Marea, areas cleared in recent months of the terrorist group Daesh.

Yakup Alaca, the IHH's Syrian representative, told Anadolu Agency that they have been identifying and helping Syrian orphans through regular assistance since the beginning of the Syrian civil war in 2011.

“We have tens of thousands of Syrian children who lost their parents in the Syrian conflict. Besides food aid, we have various projects in Syria for orphans. We are helping the orphans whose life was ruined by the war in Syria,” he said.

The IHH is providing food, shelter, education, and health care for Syrians from the foundation's facilities in the Turkish cities of Hatay, Kilis, and Sanliurfa.