Second Saudi teen kills self after playing online game

By Mahmut Geldi

ISTANBUL (AA) – A second teenager in Saudi Arabia committed suicide on Friday after playing an online game called “Blue Whale”.

According to Saudi daily Sabq, a 13-year-old girl from the city of Medina took her own life after playing the game.

Earlier this week, another teenager in Saudi Arabia’s Abha province likewise killed herself after playing the game, which can be accessed through social-media platforms.

“Blue Whale”, which first appeared on Russian social media three years ago, assigns players with various “quests” to perform over a 50-day period.

These quests reportedly include watching horror films and — in some cases — engaging in self-destructive activities.

The game has reportedly been linked to scores of teen suicides in Russia, prompting authorities in several countries to issue warnings to parents.

*Ali Murat Alhas contributed to this story from Ankara