Chairman of Tunisia’s election commission sacked

By Yosra Ouanes

TUNIS (AA) – Tunisia’s election commission has relieved its chairman, Mohamed al-Mansri, of his duties, according to a source with the commission.

Speaking to Anadolu Agency, the source cited lack of cooperation between al-Mansri and commission members as among reasons for taking the decision.

Under the law of the election commission, half of the commission’s council members can file a request to parliament to relieve the chairman or a member of his duties and the request must be approved by the majority of lawmakers – 109 MPs of the 217-member parliament.

Al-Mansri, for his part, said he will pursue his duties until parliament votes on relieving him.

Al-Mansri was elected by the Tunisian parliament last November as the commission’s chairman, replacing Shafik Sursar.

Earlier this month, Tunisia held the country’s first local election since a popular revolution deposed autocrat Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in 2011.