EU criticizes Israel's disproportionate use of force

By Sibel Ugurlu

BRUSSELS (AA) – If force is needed, Israel has the responsibility to use it proportionately, the EU's foreign policy chief said on Saturday.

Federica Mogherini's statement came after 15 Palestinians were martyred by the Israeli army on Friday during peaceful protests.

“The EU mourns the loss of life,” said Mogherini.

“The use of live ammunition should, in particular, be part of an independent and transparent investigation. While Israel has the right to protect its borders, the use of force must be proportionate at all times. ”

She underlined that freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are fundamental rights, adding that further violent escalation and any acts that could put civilians in danger must be avoided.

Mogherini went on to say that the crossing points in Gaza must be opened and the decade-long siege of the Gaza Strip must be lifted.

“The EU further urges the Palestinian sides to increase their efforts to enable the Palestinian authority to exert its full control over Gaza. ”

Mogherini also urged a political solution for Gaza and stressed an urgent resumption of peace talks towards a two-state solution.

She said a political solution “is the only way for Palestinians and Israelis to live side by side in peace and security.”