Moscow to close US consulate in Saint Petersburg

By Elena Teslova

MOSCOW (AA) – Russia has decided to close the U.S. consulate in Saint Petersburg and expel “same number of diplomats”, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced Thursday.

The announcement came after the U.S. and 14 EU member states expelled dozens of Russian diplomats in an orchestrated reaction Monday, over the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia in the U.K.

At least 45 Russian diplomats have been expelled across Europe. The U.S. on Monday expelled Russian 60 diplomats accusing them of working as intelligence officers and ordered the closure of Moscow’s consulate in Seattle.

Speaking at a news conference following his meeting with UN Special Envoy for Syria Staffan de Mistura in Moscow, Lavrov hinted that Russian measures against the U.S. could go further beyond.

He said Moscow would not just “mirror” actions, but added that for now this is all Russia was announcing to the world.

The Russian foreign minister added that the U.S. envoy John Hatsman was also summoned Thursday.

He added that Russia was convening an extraordinary meeting of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) on April 2 to discuss Skripal case.