Afghan forces ‘kill up to 200 militants’

By Shadi Khan Saif

KABUL, Afghanistan (AA) – Afghan officials Tuesday said security forces have killed up to 200 Taliban and pro-Daesh militants in nationwide offensives.

According to the country’s Ministry of Interior, 123 Taliban militants — including nine top commanders — have been killed in ground and air offensives in restive Faryab and Balkh provinces in the country’s north.

Bordering Turkmenistan, the Faryab province lost its Kohistan district to the Taliban on Sunday.

“Nine top commanders namely Mullah Abdul Raheem, Mullah Ruhullah, Qari Zabeh, Mullah Salam, Maulvi Ismail, Maulvi Sifatullah, Qari Abdul Manan, Mullah Abdul Samad and Qari Janak have been killed”, the ministry said in a statement.

There has been an evident surge in the clashes between the Afghan forces and the Taliban ever since the militants lost their strong bastion in southern Helmand’s Nawa district last week.

Lying south to the Taliban’s birthplace Kandahar, Helmand produces lion’s share of opium the country produces, and remains one of the most insecure provinces in Afghanistan with the militants controlling large swaths of land.

In retaliations, the Taliban waged large-scale coordinated attacks on various fronts resulting in fall of at least two — Taywara in Ghor and Kohistan in Faryab — provincial districts. Deadly clashes have since been going on in these provinces.

The Ministry of Defense (MoD) in a separate message noted that 50 insurgents were killed and 35 other were wounded in Afghan National Army (ANA) airstrikes in Garishk district of Helmand.

At least 23 more insurgents, including 4 foreign nationals, were killed and two others were detained in similar airstrikes and clearing operations in Deh-Bala district of Nangarhar province, where pro-Daesh militants have strong bases.

The Taliban opened a new front on Tuesday as they aimed at getting control of Jani Khail district in southeastern Paktia province.

“Hundreds of enemy soldiers have been killed, and the district has been overrun”, Zabihullah Mujahed, the Taliban spokesman announced.

The MoI, however, has rejected the claim, saying the Afghan army personnel are busy fighting the militants in Jani Khail.