Kenya: 3 journalists injured in Nairobi plane crash

By Magdalene Mukami and Andrew Wasike

NAIROBI, Kenya (AA) – Three journalists were among five people injured when a small plane crashed shortly after takeoff from the Kenyan capital Nairobi, said local officials.

The crash took place after the light Cessna plane left Wilson Airport en route to a political rally in Kenya’s Rift valley province, said Nairobi Hospital, where the injured are being treated.

Reporters Sam Ogina and Joseph Njane and videographer Mauritius Oduor are undergoing treatment and are in stable condition, they added.

The presidency said the two crew members are also in stable condition.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga said in a statement: “This accident reminds us of the sacrifices journalists face daily to keep Kenyans informed, something we sometimes take for granted.”

As Kenyans are set to go to the polls on Aug. 8 to vote in a new government, politicians have been busy traveling across the East African country seeking votes, with journalists close behind.