Syrian opposition resolute to reach solution in Geneva

By Muhammed Shekh Yusuf, Selen Temizer, Mohamad Misto

GENEVA (AA) – Syria’s main opposition delegation at the fresh round of peace talks in Geneva said Saturday they “will never be the reason for the negotiations to fail.”

High Negotiations Committee (HNC) spokesman Salem al-Muslat told Anadolu Agency on the sidelines of the third day of the fourth round of the intra-Syrian talks, saying that “whatever it costs, we will continue to negotiate for the solution.”

Muslat stated that they came to the Geneva talks under the “same hard conditions” where the regime’s attacks on the opposition-held areas continued despite the cease-fire agreements.

“Until now, we have not seen any seriousness by the regime. The regime only believes in military solution, killing and destruction,” he said.

The spokesman also stressed that they expect “active policies from the U.S. administration,” criticizing Obama administration for its “passive attitude” during the previous Geneva talks.

However, Syria policy of U.S. President Donald Trump is still unclear, while the Assad regime continues to describe the opposition negotiating team as terrorists.

The international community agreed on the resumption of political negotiations in Geneva, as the ceasefire declared on 30 Dec. 2016 under the guarantee of Turkey and Russia was successful in reducing the severity of the war.

The U.N. Special Envoy for Syria, Staffan De Mistura separately met Thursday with the delegation of the Syrian regime, headed by Bashar al-Ja’aafari and the delegation of Syrian opposition, headed by Nasr Hariri, a senior member of the largest opposition group, the Syrian National Coalition.

De Mistura is also expected to meet with the representatives of International Syria Support Group including U.S., Russia, Turkey and Iran.

Syria has been locked in a vicious civil war since early 2011, when the regime of Bashar al-Assad cracked down on pro-democracy protests – which erupted as part of the Arab Spring uprisings – with unexpected ferocity.

Since then, more than a quarter of a million people have been killed and upwards of 10 million displaced across the war-torn country, according to the UN. The Syrian Center for Policy Research puts the death toll at more than 470,000.