8 soldiers killed in ambush in Paraguay

By Maria Paz Salas

SANTIAGO, Chile (AA) – Eight Paraguayan soldiers were killed Saturday in a suspected rebel attack, according to the country’s Interior Minister Francisco de Vargas.

Two other soldiers were also critically wounded in the ambush authorities believe were carried out by the Paraguayan People’s Army (EPP) guerrilla group.

The soldiers were members of the Joint Task Force (FTC) and were on patrol in a military vehicle in the district of Horqueta when an explosive device was detonated.

The troops were then shot by a group of assailants who have not yet been identified.

Paraguayan President Horacio Cartes offered his “condolences to the families of the martyrs of the cowardly attack of terrorists”, via Twitter and vowed to prosecute the perpetrators. The “guilty are going to pay”, he said.

The attack comes as many lawmakers are questioning the efficacy of the FTC and some want the force disbanded given a lack of results against the guerrilla.

The FTC was created at the beginning of the Cartes government in 2013 and is made up of military personnel, police and drug agents who operate in the north.

Not far from the location of the attack Saturday, the EPP kidnapped a police officer two years ago and has demanded the release of six of its members in exchange of the freedom of the officer, who is still being held.

The government has rejected the demand of the group it said is responsible for at least 50 murders and separate kidnappings since it was founded in 2008.