4 Hashd al-Shaabi fighters killed in Iraq’s Tal Afar

By Ahmed Qassem and Sarhad Shaker

NINEVEH, Iraq (AA) – Four pro-government Hashd al-Shaabi fighters were killed Tuesday in clashes with Daesh militants near Tal Afar in northern Iraq, according to an Iraqi military officer.

Scores of Daesh militants attacked a position of the Hashd al-Shaabi militia in Ali Diwah Li village near Tal Afar, Army Cap. Jabbar Anad al-Khafaf told Anadolu Agency.

He said four fighters were killed and another was injured in ensuing clashes with the attackers.

No information is yet available about Daesh losses in the fighting.

The Daesh terrorist group has captured Tal Afar, a predominantly Turkmen city, in mid-2014.

Last month, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi vowed to launch a military offensive to capture Tal Afar from Daesh.

Last week, al-Abadi formally declared victory against Daesh in Mosul, which was overrun by the terrorist group in 2014.