Home Alaturka Trump suggests keeping parts of Obama’s health care law

Trump suggests keeping parts of Obama’s health care law

By Ovunc Kutlu

NEW YORK (AA) – President-elect Donald Trump hinted Friday he may keep parts of President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare.

It is a major reversal from Trump’s campaign promise to repeal and replace Obama’s signature legislation. He said he favors keeping provisions in the health care law that prevents insurers from denying coverage based on existing conditions, and another that allows children to remain on their parent’s plans until reach the age of 26.

“I like those very much,” Trump said in an interview with the Wall Street Journal newspaper.

The stunning turnaround comes one day after Trump met with Obama at the White House.

He said Obama suggested that some parts of the law could be preserved.

“I told him I will look at his suggestions, and out of respect, I will do that,” Trump said, according to the newspaper.

He added that Vice President-elect Mike Pence would “be very much involved in health care”. Trump has never held political office but Pence has served in Congress and as governor of Indiana.

Trump said some of the pressing issues he would tackle after taking the oath of office would include financial deregulation and securing the U.S.’s borders against illegal immigrants and drug trafficking, as he promised during the campaign.

He also wants to improve the country’s crumbling infrastructure and place tariffs on American firms that relocate overseas and manufacture abroad – all promises made during his campaign.

He also addressed growing protest across the U.S. after he beat out Hillary Clinton for the White House.

“I want a country that loves each other … I want to stress that,” he said, and emphasized that the best way to lower tensions would be to “bring in jobs”



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