Home Alaturka Iran warns US against attempts to halt oil shipments

Iran warns US against attempts to halt oil shipments

By Umar Farooq</p> <p>WASHINGTON (AA) – Iran will continue to sell its oil, find buyers for it and ship it through the Strait of Hormuz, its foreign minister said Wednesday.</p> <p>Speaking at a panel discussion in New York City hosted by the Asia Society, Mohammad Javad Zarif said if the U.S. takes any &quot;crazy measure&quot; against Iran to prevent it from transporting its oil, it will have to be &quot;prepared for the consequences&quot;.</p> <p>&quot;President [Donald] Trump believes that by pushing us, by imposing economic pressure on us, we will sell our dignity. Not gonna happen,&quot; Zarif said.</p> <p>He said it is within Iran's &quot;vital national interest&quot; to keep both the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz open.</p> <p>The Strait of Hormuz, a strait between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman, is a major channel for international oil shipments.</p> <p>Zarif’s comments came after Washington announced Monday that it would be ending sanctions waivers it had granted to countries that were still buying Iranian oil.</p> <p>The move, effective May 2, is part of Trump's 'maximum pressure' campaign to curb sales of Iranian oil, denying what Washington said was the country’s main source of revenue.</p> <p>In a statement, the White House said both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates have committed to increase their oil supply to ensure that global supply is maintained.</p> <p>Zarif said the pressure campaign on Iran led by Washington has shown that the &quot;B team wants regime change&quot;, referring to Trump ally Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Trump’s National Security Adviser John Bolton, a staunch critic of Iran's leadership, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and United Arab Emirates leader Mohammed bin Zayed.</p> <p>Zarif said the U.S. should talk to those protecting the strait – Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC). Washington had earlier this month designated the elite military force as a foreign terrorist organization.</p> <p>- Prisoner Swap</p> <p>However, Zarif also said there was room to cooperate in order to bring stability to both Afghanistan and Iraq.</p> <p>&quot;It's not a crisis yet. It's a dangerous situation,&quot; he said.</p> <p>He specifically mentioned the potential of a prisoner swap, with Iran releasing British-Iranian aid worker Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe.</p> <p>&quot;Let's have an exchange. I'm ready to do it and I have the authority to do it,&quot; Zarif said.</p> <p>Ratcliffe has been held in Iran since 2016 on espionage charges.</p> <p>He proposed a prisoner swap between her and Iranians in jail abroad, including a woman being held in Australia for the past three years on a U.S. extradition request.</p> <p>Zarif said the woman had given birth in prison.</p> <p>He said there are other Iranians that have been imprisoned in the U.S. and Europe on what he considered phony charges.



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